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Wurm Online - the ultimate sandbox adventure. Join the community and start playing today.

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Cross Platform PC, Mac and Linux

Play together with players from all over the world on Windows, Mac or Linux, using our launcher or Steam. With Wurm Online you have access to all your friends and are free to play on any of our servers.

Please Note: Steam accounts are unique for Steam and vice versa.

Play for Free Register your Account

Download the launcher and play for free. Remember that everything you see, from small farms massive kingdoms are built brick by brick by players.

Create your Account

Wurmpedia First days in Wurm

Make sure you have the Wiki close at hand when you unleash your creativity in our immersive sandbox MMORPG.

Read: Your first days in Wurm Online

Community Power Wurm Online Premium

Unlock Endless Possibilities

In Wurm Online, choosing to upgrade to Premium unlocks the ability to master all your skills above level 20. Premium grants you not only the power to master your craft, like blacksmithing or carpentry, it grants you the ability to claim your own piece of land. Shape your land with grand structures, cultivate extensive farms or establish influential settlements. Remember every player leaves a mark, and remnants of long gone settlements can be unearthed with the archaeology skill.

Shape Wurm's Destiny

Premium is more than just added features - it lets you participate in the player driven economy. Engage in trades, form strategic alliances, and partake in community-driven projects. The World of Wurm Online is interconnected and all the resources and prices are market driven. Premium benefits any player that wants to master their skills and, and for those that want to invest in the game and contribute to the game world. Leave your mark on our fellow players and own a piece of Wurm Online.

Claim your own land in Wurm Online - upgrade to Premium and master your skills

Sail the seven seas Build and command ships

Sail between servers as a commander or as a passenger. Ship building in Wurm Online starts from simple crude canoes up to massive 13 crew caravels. Put on your captain's hat and find your crew, the seas await.

Silver and Trading

Silver Coins

As the in-game currency of Wurm Online, silver coins will be your ticket to participating in the world’s economy. Coins can be used for purchasing a Premium subscription, buying items in the online shop, or even buying and maintaining your own land. Everything around you is built by players themselfs.and with Silver you even can hire fellow players to help create your vision. Building together.

Powering Wurm's Economy

Silver is also used for player-to-player transactions and is an essential part of Wurm Onlines economy. Trade and barter are the backbone of the Wurm Community. Be it miners selling high-quality ores, a farmer trading crops, or a warrior bartering loot, your silver coins do the talking. Silver Coins can not be mined or created by the players but with your specialised skills you can barter your way to richness richness.

Navigate Wurm's economy – Where silver coins make the community turn

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